
Male sexual dysfunction

The London Clinic has a team of experts in sexual health who can provide a wide range of assessments, advice and treatments to help you identify and deal with your sexual issues in a sympathetic setting.

Our specialist team has vast experience in dealing with a wide range of male sexual health issues, providing a discreet service and the most advanced medical and psychological solutions available.

Male sexual dysfunction can strike at any age, but is particularly prevalent in men over 40. As well as the physical symptoms, it can also lead to emotional issues such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence and depression.

Sexual problems can have a variety of causes: physical, psychological and interpersonal.

Male sexual dysfunction: you are not alone

Sexual problems are experienced by many men and include:

  • Male erectile disorder
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Low sexual desire
  • Delayed ejaculation
  • Sexual pain

Male erectile disorder

This is also known as erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence and involves not being able to get, or not being able to maintain, an erection to complete sexual intercourse. It can affect men of any age but it becomes more common in mid-life onwards. Around 50 % of men over 40 have some problem with getting or keeping an erection.

Erectile disorder is particularly common in men with diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, and in those treated for prostate cancer and other pelvic cancers. It is also associated with the use of various prescription drugs.

Men often underestimate the influence of psychological and relationship factors; ED frequently undermines a man’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a man’s inability to delay orgasm and ejaculation so that both he and his partner are able to enjoy a satisfying sexual experience.

Concerns about premature ejaculation (PE) are reported by around 30 % of men. Two thirds of them don’t find it too much of a problem but the other third find it has a significant enough impact on their sex life to seek professional advice or treatment.

It isn’t just a problem for young, sexually inexperienced men, but can affect older men with no history of previous problems, particularly those with co-existing erectile disorder.

Low desire

Around 15 % of men experience low sexual desire; this is often due to other sexual issues, such as erectile disorder, premature ejaculation or relationship difficulties. Sometimes there is no obvious explanation. Assessment by an expert can help to identify psychological and medical factors that may be affecting desire. Delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is a frustrating problem for the man and his partner. It is experienced by about 3 % of men and is associated with several prescription drug treatments and some medical conditions, as well as psychological and relationship factors.

Sexual pain and chronic pelvic pain

Up to 30 % of men experience pelvic pain, chronic prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) or pain on ejaculation at some time in their lives.

This is sometimes related to infection or inflammation but is much more commonly unrelated. It may be a type of complex regional pain syndrome, like fibromyalgia. Assessment and an integrative approach to pain management by our expert team may help with this frustrating and difficult-to-treat condition.

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