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We provide the latest evidence-led treatments for long covid syndrome. Get the best possible care and accelerate your recovery back to better health.
For mild to moderate asthma, inhalers provide an effective, safe and easy to use treatment that delivers drugs directly to the airways.
Our leading speech and language therapists are experts at assessing and treating a wide range of speech, voice and swallowing problems. Find out more today
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Some movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and tremor, occur because a specific part of the brain no longer functions as it should.
Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) is a way of giving radiotherapy treatment for cancer using microspheres which are placed into an artery.
Spinal surgery is a surgical procedure performed anywhere along the spine, from the top of the neck to the base of the lower back.
The London Clinic is able to offer a specialist breathing technique called respiratory gating.
CyberKnife is a pain-free robotic radiotherapy cancer treatment system that delivers radiation to tumours with incredible accuracy, without the need for su
Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) is a type of neuromodulation that is used to treat chronic (long-term) pain.
Our world-leading robotic surgeons use the da Vinci surgical robot to treat cancers and other conditions with incredible precision. Find out more today.
ESWT is a non invasive, non surgical, drug free procedure for the treatment of chronic (long term) tendon pain. A shockwave is an acoustic energy wave.
Treatment of chronic hepatitis C is important as clearing the virus from the body can prevent long-term liver damage, such as cirrhosis