

We offer a first-class hysteroscopy service to diagnose and treat problems affecting the womb.


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Quick facts

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What is it for?

To help treat certain womb conditions

Treatment overview

A hysteroscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of your womb (uterus) and treat certain conditions and problems.

It's performed using a hysteroscope, which is a long, thin, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end of it.

Images are sent from the camera to a monitor so your doctor or specialist nurse can see inside your womb.

You might need a hysteroscopy if you have pelvic pain or problems with your period.

Other reasons to have a hysteroscopy include unusual vaginal bleeding or if you’re finding it difficult to get pregnant.

Many women have their hysteroscopy as an outpatient, with or without local anaesthetic.

However, you can choose to undergo the procedure as a day patient and be asleep during it.

At The London Clinic, we offer our hysteroscopy service in a calm and comfortable space that will help to relax you and reduce any anxiety you may be feeling.

You’ll also come under the care of world-class gynaecologists and an expert multidisciplinary team who have vast experience in this type of procedure.

As one of our patients, you’ll also receive exceptional personalised care and support that puts your wellbeing and recovery at the heart of your experience with us.

Contact us today to find out more about our private hysteroscopy service and start your five-star journey with The London Clinic.

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Why choose The London Clinic

Excellence in one place

We operate as teams of experts with world-class resources dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of medical care. You are surrounded by the latest treatments and advice with everything you need to get back to your best health.

Personal care, every time

Exceptional patient care is a way of life for us. Our nurses, clinicians and support teams are dedicated to the care of a very small number of patients, so have more time for you. They’ll be with you every step of the way, tailoring your care around you and giving the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing you’re in the best hands.

Effortlessly simple

We work together as one to guide you through each step of your experience, with complexities unravelled and answers readily to hand. Your personal treatment plan will be laid out for you, with all the details taken care of so you can focus on you.

What's included in your package?

Choosing The London Clinic means your treatment plan will be laid out for you, with all the details taken care of so you can focus on you.


Your treatment package will include:

  • Enhanced pre-admission assessment
  • Your treatment with our complete care team at your fingertips
  • Personalised aftercare and follow-up

We want you to be in control of your health. That’s why we also offer optional services such as comprehensive recovery packages and extra touches for you to choose from during your stay with us.

How to pay

  • You can use private medical insurance (PMI) to access this treatment. We work with all major PMI providers in the UK and many internationally
  • You can pay for yourself (self-pay)
  • If you’re paying for yourself, we have finance options available with Chrysalis


You might need a hysteroscopy to investigate:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding, including bleeding after the menopause, bleeding in between periods and heavy periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Repeated miscarriage
  • Fertility problems
  • Diagnosis of fibroids and polyps
  • Screening and testing for endometrial cancer

The expert gynaecologists at The London Clinic can also perform treatments with a hysteroscope. These include:

  • Treatment and removal of fibroids
  • Removal of polyps
  • Collection and removal of displaced intrauterine devices (IUDs)
  • Cutting through and separating adhesions, which is scar tissue that may stop women from becoming pregnant

One of our highly experienced gynaecologists will assess and advise you in one of our comfortable and well-equipped consulting rooms.

This will involve them talking through your medical history in detail and examining your belly and pelvis.

They will also ask you how the symptoms you’re experiencing are affecting your health, wellbeing and quality of life.

During this appointment, your consultant may arrange for you to undergo some tests and investigations in our state-of-the-art imaging suite.

These may include:

  • Blood tests
  • Transvaginal ultrasound

Your gynaecologist will then plan your hysteroscopy with you, including what type of anaesthetic you may want.

They’ll also explain what will happen during your procedure and advise you about any preparation needed.

You’ll also have time to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.

Our world-class gynaecologists usually perform a hysteroscopy as an outpatient procedure, with or without local anaesthetic.

This procedure generally lasts less than 10 minutes.

However, general anaesthetic, a spinal block and sedation is available if you:

  • are undergoing a more extensive procedure
  • are anxious about your treatment
  • are a survivor of sexual assault
  • have had negative experiences from gynaecological procedures in the past.

Your gynaecologist may initially examine your vagina and pelvis using their fingers to check for pain or anything unusual.

They’ll then insert a long, thin, flexible tube (hysteroscope) into your vagina, gently pass it through your cervix and into your womb.

The consultant will also use the hysteroscope to pass gas or fluid into your uterus to inflate it. This helps them get a clearer view.

At the end of the tube is a light and digital camera that sends high-quality images of inside your womb to a computer screen.

During your hysteroscopy, your consultant may also use a range of surgical instruments to:

  • Take a sample of body tissue (biopsy)
  • Remove polyps (small clump of cells)
  • Remove fibroids (growths made up of muscle and fibrous tissue)
  • Treat uterine adhesions (scar-like tissue)

After your hysteroscopy, your expert care team will provide you with a pad to protect your clothing and underwear. They’ll also support your recovery in any way they can.

Your care team will also arrange follow-up appointments for any treatment you may need, or for you to meet your consultant and discuss the results of any biopsies.

You’ll be able to go home on the day of your hysteroscopy, once you feel well enough to do so.

How long this takes will depend on whether you stayed awake during your hysteroscopy or had a general anaesthetic and went to sleep.

You should be able to return to work and normal activities the day after your procedure.

However, you may experience some crampy pain and bleeding, similar to a period.

To prevent infection, you should avoid sex for a week, or until any vaginal bleeding has stopped.

Most women who have a hysteroscopy with a local or no anaesthetic feel mild or no pain. But for others the pain may require medication.

At The London Clinic, you can choose to:

  • Have no anaesthetic for the procedure
  • Stay awake during the procedure and have a sedative that relaxes you and anaesthetic that blocks pain
  • Have a general anaesthetic, which means you’ll be asleep during the procedure

If you do decide to stay awake during your hysterectomy, we’ll always stop it straight away if you find it too painful or uncomfortable.

You should not have sex for a week after your hysteroscopy, or until all bleeding has stopped. This can help prevent infection.

Your care team will always be on hand to discuss any questions or worries you have.

A diagnostic hysteroscopy is a safe and quick procedure, and particularly in the expert hands of The London Clinic's world-leading gynaecology consultants.

However, every procedure has some risks. Around 1 in 200 women can feel faint and shaky during the procedure.

Rarely, a hysteroscopy can damage the cervix or womb. This may require further treatment.

Sometimes there can be a lot of bleeding, especially if you've had polyps or fibroids removed.

Treatment, surgery and another hysterectomy may be needed to stop the bleeding.

Your expert multidisciplinary team will discuss all these risks with you and will do all they can to minimise problems and keep you safe.


When we say personalised health care, we mean it

We offer a wide range of treatments and diagnostic tests to support all concerns. So, if you don’t see what you’re looking for here, please get in touch and we’ll do our best to help you.