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Skiing injury: prevention and recovery for the upper limbs

21 Feb 2019

Winter sports season is still in full swing which means there is plenty of time for skiers and snowboarders to hit the slopes before spring. The knee, head and back injuries are frequently talked about in connection with winter sports, but the upper limb areas are also susceptible. Here is what to look out for.

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What can tennis players do to minimise injury risk?

05 Jul 2018

Tennis is the third most popular sport in the UK, and is played by millions worldwide. The US, Australian and French Open are a few of the major competitions that take place throughout the year. However, the most anticipated tournament on these shores is of course, Wimbledon.

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Common football injuries

22 May 2018

Our senior physiotherapists Danny and Federico provide advice on how to minimise your risk of injury and get the most out of football.

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