More information
Following the successful upgrade, internal validation and verification of our Biochemistry analysers in October 2022, we are working towards re-accreditation of many of our tests. For a summary of individual test accreditation status, see below.
If additional tests are required on a sample that we have already received, please contact the laboratory at the earliest opportunity. We store samples for up to 7 days but whether we are able to perform additional tests will depend on analyte stability.
This important information enables us to interpret the significance of results and ensure that we provide you with the appropriate interpretive comments and age and/or sex-related reference ranges.
Specimens may not be suitable for testing if they are inadequately labelled or if they have leaked or been contaminated. In these circumstances every effort will be made to inform the requesting clinician before discarding the specimen. For ‘precious’ samples, such as CSF, analysis will be carried out at the discretion of the laboratory manager and the report annotated with a comment.
We will process your request urgently when you indicate that this is appropriate.
Please advise us to expect an urgent sample by telephoning the laboratory. Please send urgent samples in a red bag.
Lindiwe Mangena
Chief Biomedical Scientist
T 020 7935 4444 ext 7004
Dr Julian Barth
Special interests: Chemical pathology, metabolic medicine and porphyria.
Dr Royce Vincent
Special interests: Chemical pathology, nutrition and endocrinology.
We will call you when we come across critically abnormal or unexpected results, so please make sure we have your correct contact information on the request form.
Here is a quick reference guide to help you collect routine Biochemistry Specimens.