
The London Clinic complies with a number of legislative requirements and is committed to transparency and fairness.

How we work with and support our doctors

At The London Clinic, providing the best care for our patients is our priority.

We are honoured that leading physicians and consultants choose to run their private practice from our hospital using of state of the art facilities.

As a charity, we invest our surplus income in training and development programmes for our nursing and other specialist medical staff.

We also invest in our equipment and estate to ensure our patients receive the best level of care from our staff and consultants utilising the most up-to-date technology the industry has to offer.

We take pride in the services we offer to our patients and to ensure that our consultants are able to focus on providing high quality care, we provide support to consultants.

Compliance with the Competitions and Markets Authority

On 1st October 2014, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014 (the Order) as part of the remedies required by its final report on the Private Healthcare Market Investigation.

The Order requires private hospitals to disclose certain information relating to referring clinicians. These are are set out for The London Clinic in the following sections:

Our consulting rooms

As a patient, attending a consultation can be worrisome and cause anxiety.

To minimise the worry patients may experience and to start any treatment required in a prompt and timely manner, we licence our consulting rooms to doctors on an hourly or sessional basis at market rates.

We have consulting suites on either Harley Street or Devonshire Place which are rented to clinicians on an annual or sessional basis. Sessional rooms are rented at a cost of £535 - £675 per month per session and consulting suites are rented at a cost of £30,000 - £40,000* per annum.

We consider that this represents a fair market value.

*Based on the dimensions and specifications of a small number of the rooms, the rental rates sit slightly outside this range in order for it to be at fair market value.

The following low value services are also provided to referring clinicians with practising privileges at the hospital:

•    Basic workplace amenities such as tea, coffee, refreshments and stationery

•    General marketing support, including online marketing, consultant directories and GP education events

•    Operational and administrative services to facilitate the processing of patient admissions

•    General clinical services such as access to room space for Multidisciplinary Team meetings

General corporate hospitality and events

In 2023, The London Clinic held a series of meetings with consultants from various specialties for the purpose of meeting members of the executive, commercial, operational and clinical teams and listening to and engaging with consultants. The food/refreshments cost of these ranged from £20 to £75 per head.

Corporate hospitality events held by the hospital at no charge to referring clinicians are set out below, together with the cost of providing such events, plus any gifts provided:

2023 Consultant Christmas Party (Consultants, GP and Staff) £19,440.00
2023 Christmas gifts for consultants in lead positions Max £40 per head

Clinical quality 

Our mission to be the most trusted hospital and advancing healthcare underpins everything we do.

Since our incorporation in 1932 and subsequent charitable status in 1935, we have worked closely with leading consultants and medical professionals to provide first-class patient-centric patient care. 

Establishing close working relationships with consultants across all hospitals is fundamental to our delivery of first class patient care across all our facilities. 

Our clinical quality processes are designed to ensure that we are able to manage complex services and facilitate the best possible care for patients.

In order to do this and to support our extensive range of complex specialisms, we have a number of clinical groups focused on the delivery of specific areas.  Some of these groups offer round-the-clock support to our most vulnerable and acutely sick patients.

Pain Management

We have a well-established Pain Management service lead by our Consultant anaesthetists. Consultants are remunerated at market rate for their work in developing and maintaining this key service.

On-call rotas

For patient safety we have out of hours on-call rotas for the following: Anaesthetics; Surgical; radiology; neuroradiology. Consultants on these rotas are remunerated at market rate for their services to their specialist fields.

Multidisciplinary team meeting (MDT)

Regular Cancer (oncology) Multidisciplinary Team meetings are a vital component of The London Clinic’s Clinical Governance framework.

The primary objective of our MDT meetings is to provide a formal mechanism for multi-disciplinary input into the planning of the initial treatment, and review of the ongoing management (whenever there are significant changes in therapy) of patients with cancer who are being treated at The London Clinic.

The MDT is responsible for confirming a cancer diagnosis, recommending a treatment plan and developing individual treatment pathways for patients.

We remunerate Consultant Radiologists and Pathologists for their attendance at our MDT meetings to ensure quality and consistency of this key service. Nominated Lead Radiologists and Pathologists are remunerated £250 per MDT. This payment is remuneration for the time spent reviewing patients imaging in preparation for the MDT and subsequent attendance.

Clinical leadership model

In line with The London Clinic Governance restructure and medical leadership program we have introduced posts of Divisional Directors within The London Clinic. This is a new road for us with an opportunity to truly drive clinical leadership through the quality, operational, culture and strategic spheres of the organisation.

The Divisional Directors are members of the Medical Advisory & Executive Committee and included within their role are the Clinical Governance meetings and framework alongside the proposed divisions.

These positions are remunerated for between two and eight hours input per week, comprising a mixture of set governance meetings and flexible time allocation for the duties outlined. The roles will be provided with some administrative support.

The posts work with clinical and MDT leads to deliver specialty-based user meetings and quality/operational and strategic meetings with engagement of the multi-professional team.

The new divisional directors form part of the existing cross cutting medical leadership roles which include MAEC chair, robotics chair and the HTA lead.

Clinical Divisional Directors

Commenced 01 June 2023

Name Payments for 2023
Mr S Chatterjee £12,833.31
Dr J Goldstone £20,416.69
Dr R Miller £20,416.69
Dr P Kelly £23,333.36
Mr R Bhangoo £12,833.31
Mr D Ghosh £23,333.36
Mr C Kyriakides £6,666.64
Mr J (I) Jenkins £16,666.64

Equity Participation

The London Clinic operates one partnership with doctors, some of whom are referring clinicians.

The information here is regularly updated, and in this version is correct at 31 December 2023.

TLC Ophthalmology LLP (established December 2023)

Eye centre services based at The London Clinic Eye Centre.

Name of referring clinician Financial interest held (%)
Professor C Hammond 2%
Mr M Westcott 4.5%
Mr H Henderson 5%
Mr M Mohamed 5%
Professor T Jackson 5%
Mr R Hamilton 5%
Mr J Clarke 1%
Mr E Pringle 5%
Mr R Wong 5%
Mr D Mitry 5%

Our annual report

You can download our latest annual report here. This report outlines the essential activities carried out by the hospital and staff, as well as notable achievements during the year.

Pay at The London Clinic

Pay Policy 

The London Clinic is committed to paying fairly and in line with the recruitment market to ensure the competitiveness of salaries in order to retain and attract talent.

The purpose of The London Clinic's Pay Policy is to ensure transparency and accountability with regard to setting rates of pay.

Download our Pay Policy

Inclusion Pay Report

Alongside all organisations with 250 or more employees, we have published our Inclusion Pay report. This report includes the gender pay gap (the difference in pay between men and women working at The London Clinic).

We are required to publish data which includes employees, contractors and bank workers.

Download the 2023 Inclusion Pay Report

Download the 2022 Inclusion Pay Report

Download the 2021 Inclusion Pay Report

Fire safety

The London Clinic are pleased to be members of the Fire Protection Association (FPA) who are the UK’s leading fire safety organisation approved by Lloyds Register and certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2015. 

Our membership certificate demonstrates that we have a professional interest in fire safety, and are able to access the wealth of advice, guidance and technical expertise the FPA offer. The FPA also undertake our fire risk assessments and work closely with us to advise on fire safety training.
