
Ms Laila Parvanta

Consultant Breast Oncoplastic and Endocrine Surgeon
Parvanta, Laila Ms

Breast Oncoplastic Surgeon with expertise in all benign and malignant breast conditions, including reconstructive and oncoplastic surgery. Endocrine Surgeon with expertise in all aspects of thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal surgery, including open and laparoscopic adrenalectomies.

Breast surgery, Endocrinology
English, Farsi
In-person, Phone call, Video call
New £250 (follow-up £150)

Related conditions

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Ms Parvanta is a Consultant Surgeon with a specialist practice in all aspects of Breast surgery and Endocrine Surgery. She undertook her undergraduate training at St Bartholomew's Hospital (MB BS) with a first class BSc degree from University College, London. She undertook postgraduate training in Breast and Endocrine Surgery in South-West Thames Region with further specialist Endocrine surgical training at St Bartholomew’s Hospital where she is now the sole Endocrine Surgeon.

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20 Devonshire Place, London, W1G 6BW

  • Qualified 1995
  • St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 1989-1995
  • Consultant Breast and Endocrine Surgeon
    Homerton Hospital NHS Trust
  • Consultant Endocrine Surgeon
    St Bartholomew's Hospital NHS Trust

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