Mr Christopher Chan

Mr Christopher Chan is Surgeon and Consultant with The London Clinic, specialising in Gastrointestinal and colorectal surgery. Book an appointment with him today.
Graduated from the UMDS Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital, London. Surgical training programmes in Cambridge and London. Awarded an MRC Clinical Fellowship researching in pelvic floor dysfunction. Carried out further sub-specialist colorectal training fellowships to Sydney, Paris and St Mark's Hospital.
Specialist expertise in complex colorectal diseases, including colorectal cancer, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, enterocutaneous fistula, complex anal fistula, anorectal and pelvic floor problems (incontinence, evacuatory difficulty, constipation) and pelvic floor reconstruction.
He is actively involved in training at all levels including MB BS, MRCS, Intercollegiate FRCS and Royal College of Surgeons of England and is an invited speaker at national and international conferences.
More information
- Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Barts Health Trust - Senior Lecturer
Queen Mary University London
- Inflammatory bowel disease (complex fistula, laparoscopic ileoanal pouch)
- Intestinal failure (enterocutaneous fistula)
- Pelvic floor reconstruction (dynamic graciloplasty, incontinence and neuromodulation)
- Laparoscopic/complex colorectal cancer surgery
- Coloproctology
- Colorectal cancer (sphincter saving surgery)
- Year qualified 1991
- UMDS Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals 1991