
Dr Dhanupriya Sivapathasuntharam

Consultant Geriatrician/Physician
Headshot of consultant Dhanupriya Sivapathasuntharam, on a green background

Dr Sivapathasuntharam specialises in the peri-operative management of older surgical and trauma patients, as well managing frailty, falls, complex comorbidities, and post-operative rehabilitation. She is also a general physician, which means she is able to manage acute and chronic medical conditions in all adult patients.

General medicine, Geriatrics
English, Tamil
In-person, Phone call, Video call
New £330 (follow-up £275)


Dr Sivapathasuntharam is a Consultant Geriatrician and Physician and has over 13 years' experience in her specialism.

She has extensive experience in managing complex patients with multiple comorbidities including dementia, falls and osteoporosis, in both inpatient and outpatient settings, providing a holistic and patient-centred approach. This includes leading on rehabilitation and working with a multidisciplinary team.

Dr Sivapathasuntharam graduated from the University of Nottingham in 1999. After obtaining Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, she undertook registrar training in Geriatric and General Internal Medicine (South East Thames) at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust.

She is a Consultant Geriatrician, Clinical Lead of Older Peoples Services, and Trauma and Perioperative Older Person’s Services at the Royal London Hospital NHS Trust. She is also the Lead of the Undergraduate Geriatric Medicine Module at NHS Trust Barts and the London Medical School. This involves organising the curriculum as well as lecturing and examining regularly.

Dr Sivapathasuntharam is experienced in working jointly with surgeons in the perioperative period (both pre and post-operatively), providing medical input to these patients with demonstrable improvements in mortality rates (in hip fracture patients); and reductions in postoperative medical complications. She has experience of collaborating with surgeons in the following specialities: orthopaedics, neurosurgery, plastics, vascular, ear nose and throat, urology, general surgery and trauma.

She has several publications and lectures regularly on geriatrics and trauma and perioperative care of older patients.

Clinical interests

  • Post-operative rehabilitation.
  • Peri-operative medicine
  • Falls
  • Osteoporosis
  • Frailty
  • Geriatrics

More information

5 Devonshire Place



  • Qualified 1999
  • University of Nottingham – BmedSci  1997
  • University of Nottingham - BMBS 1994-1999
  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) 2003
  • South East Thames Specialist Registrar Training in Geriatric Medicine/General Internal Medicine 2006-2011
  • Post graduate Diploma in Medical Education UCL 2012
  • Fellow of Royal College of Physicians 2022
  • Consultant Geriatrician 
    Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Clinical Lead Older Peoples Services/Trauma and Perioperative Older People’s Services 
    Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Honorary Senior Lecture and Module Lead – Geriatric Medicine 
    Barts and the London Medical School, Queen Mary University of London
  • Lateral compression type-1 fracture fixation in the elderly (L1FE). Study Protocol for a randomised controlled trial (with internal pilot) comparing the effects of INFIX surgery and non-surgical management for treating patients with Lateral Compression type-1 (LC-1) fragility fractures. L. Cook,J. Laycock, M. Acharya,M. Backhouse, B. Corbacho, L.Doherty, D,Forward, C, Hewitt, C, Hilton, , P Hull, J.Kassam, C. Maturana, C. McDaid, J. Roche, D. Sivapathasuntharam, D.Torgerson, P.Bates. Trials December 2022
  • Investigating the effects of frailty on six-month outcomes in older trauma patients admitted to UK major trauma centres: a multi-centre follow up study. E.Cole, R.Crouch, M.Baxter, C.Wang. D Sivapathasuntharam, G.Peck, C.Jennings, H.Harman. Scand J of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine volume 32, Article number: 1 2024

  • Virtual ‘robot’ ward rounds: older trauma patients’ perceptions of inpatient virtual consultations. A. McMullen,  G. Cato, T. Situ, F. Maruf, Thomas Boyle,  G  Lumley , D Sivapathasuntharam  Clinical Medicine Vol 23, No 5: 485–90 2023

  • Fragility fractures of the pelvis in the older population. D Sivapathasuntharam , G Smith, M Master, P Bates Age and Ageing, Volume 51, Issue 3, March 2022

  • A retrospective cohort study of risk factors and outcomes in older patients admitted to an inner-city geriatric unit in London during first peak of COVID-19 pandemic. C Maniero, D Patel, A Pavithran, F Ng, J Prowle, D Sivapathasuntharam. Irish J of Med Sci. July 2021

  • The Impact of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in the Outcomes of Older Acute Neurosurgical Patients. L Soutter, C Uff, S Yordano, D Sivapathasuntharam. Age and Ageing 50 (Supplement 2) ii8-ii13

  • Feasibility and accuracy of ED frailty identification in older trauma patients: a prospective multi-centre study. H Jarman, R Crouch, M Baxter, C Wang, G. Peck  D Sivapathasuntharam ,C Jennings, E Cole. Scand J of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 29:54 2021


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