Liver function tests (LFTs)
Liver function tests (LFTs) are blood tests that are used to check how your liver is working. Our specialists can carry out a full range of diagnostic tests and scans to identify what might be causing an abnormal LFT result.
Treatment overview
Liver function tests (LFTs) are blood tests that are used to check how your liver is working.
They may be used as part of a general health screen or to identify any signs of disease or damage to the liver. Sometimes they are used to monitor side effects of certain medicines.
Your liver carries out many important functions. It produces and stores many important substances and breaks down harmful substances, including alcohol.
LFTs are carried out on a sample of blood, usually taken from your arm.
A combination of tests is used to check the levels in your blood of six or more enzymes and proteins that are produced by the liver. Any abnormality to an LFT is called a derangement. An abnormal LFT, or derangement, may be transient.
At the London Liver Group, our specialists can carry out a full range of diagnostic tests and scans to identify what might be causing an abnormal LFT result.
If you have an abnormal LFT result, it is important to investigate further. The next steps will depend on your specific results and any symptoms you might have.
You may need to have a repeat of the LFT or further blood tests.
You may also be recommended to have an ultrasound scan of your liver and in some cases a biopsy – where a small sample is taken to identify disease or damage to your liver.
There are many conditions that can cause an abnormal LFT result. Some conditions can be identified by LFTs alone, but usually further investigations will be needed.
Reasons for abnormal LFTs include damage to the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption, infection including hepatitis, physical damage and gallstones.
Abnormal LFT results can also occur due to conditions affecting organs other than the liver.
It is also important to remember that an abnormal LFT result is sometimes found in healthy people with no underlying disease.
If you have an abnormal result from an LFT it is important to investigate further.
It may be that there is no underlying condition, or it could be an early sign of a more serious condition that needs treatment.
The best way to maintain a healthy liver is through a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a balanced diet, regular exercise and keeping your weight at the recommended level.
It is also best to avoid smoking, avoid taking unnecessary medicines and drink no more than the recommended amount of alcohol each week.