A painless, non-invasive way to investigate liver problems. Our specialists offer a full range of tests and scans to diagnose or monitor conditions related to liver health.
Treatment overview
The Fibroscan liver test means your doctor can measure any scarring in your liver using a specialised ultrasound scan. The Fibroscan allows your doctor to get much of the same information without an uncomfortable and invasive test.
This passes a pulse of sound through your liver, and measures the returning wave. The results are shown as readings for your liver specialist, rather than images.
Many different medical conditions can cause damage to your liver, including chronic viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease and damage due to alcohol.
If this damage goes on for a long time it can cause scarring (fibrosis) of the liver. If this scarring becomes widespread it can lead to worsening chronic liver disease.
Earlier diagnosis and measurement of this fibrosis will allow you and your doctors to treat conditions and make lifestyle changes that will prevent the spread of this scarring.
At the London Liver Group, your scan will be performed by an experienced specialist, and will show if there are any areas of concern. A multidisciplinary team will support you from your first consultation, offering personalised care and fast access to the tests and scans you need.
A healthy liver is soft and elastic. If a disease causes damage to your liver, it will eventually become scarred and stiff. The degree of stiffness relates to how much scarring (fibrosis) has occurred.
The Fibroscan passes sound through the liver creating an elastic wave. How this wave passes through the liver is changed by increasing stiffness due to damage.
The Fibroscan machine measures this wave to give readings that your specialist can use to understand any damage that has occurred to your liver.
Scarring (fibrosis) of the liver is caused by damage and inflammation. After a one-off injury, the liver cells can usually heal themselves normally.
If the damage goes on for a long time then the liver may be unable to repair itself and fibrosis can occur.
There are many different causes of chronic liver damage, including:
• Chronic viral hepatitis, such as from hepatitis B or hepatitis C
• Fatty liver disease
• Liver damage due to excess alcohol consumption
• Metabolic syndrome
The test itself is quick, and there is no need to stay in the hospital after it has been performed.
Once the scan is complete and the specialist has finished discussing it with you, then you are free to go about your day.
Unlike some other tests for the liver, the Fibroscan is completely painless. There is no need for sedation or pain relief during the procedure.
You will be able to go about your normal activities straight away.
There is no need for other tests, such as blood samples, before you have the scan.
Depending on your results, your liver specialist may suggest other investigations to help better understand your condition.
One of the benefits of having our specialist doctors performing the scan is that they will be able to discuss the results with you straight away.
You may need to have liver function blood tests taken to give a full picture of what is happening to your liver.
Once you have your results our doctors will work with you to come up with a comprehensive plan including any further investigations and treatment of your liver problems.
Your healthcare team will give you any information you need before the scan takes place. We usually ask you not to eat or drink anything for 3 hours before your Fibroscan.
You should continue taking all your normal prescribed medication.
While you will not need to remove clothing for the scan, your specialist will need to put the scan probe on the skin on the right side of your abdomen.
You may want to wear a loose fitting top so that the probe can be put in the right place.