Colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure to see the inside of the colon. Our specialists offer a full range of tests and scans to diagnose or monitor conditions related to your digestive health.
Treatment overview
A colonoscopy is a procedure where a camera is used to see the inside of your colon (large bowel or large intestine).
You may be recommended to have a colonoscopy if you have been experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms, such as a change in your bowel habit, persistent diarrhoea or constipation, pain, bleeding or blood in you stools.
During a colonoscopy, a small, flexible tube called an endoscope is inserted via your anus into your gastrointestinal tract. The endoscope has a tiny video camera which allows our doctors to see the inside of your bowel and identify the possible cause of your symptoms.
At the London Liver Group, our expert consultants perform colonoscopy in The London Clinic, based on Harley Street with many of the latest technologies and state-of-the-art facilities.
An experienced multidisciplinary team will support you from your first consultation, offering personalised care and fast access to the tests and scans you need.
Before your appointment, you will need to empty your bowels. Our nurses will give you advice on what you should eat and provide you with a laxative to take the day before.
A colonoscopy should not be painful, but it may be uncomfortable.
If you prefer, you can have the procedure under sedation. Our doctors will discuss this option with you.
A colonoscopy takes around half an hour. If you have had sedation, you will need to rest in our recovery room for an hour or two afterwards.
You should be able to go home the same day but will need to have someone with you and will not be able to drive or operate machinery for the following 24 hours.
You will then be able to resume your normal activities as soon as you feel able.
Colonoscopy is a recognised, safe and effective procedure that is used regularly in hospitals around the world.
At the London Liver Group, our team will make you as comfortable as possible during the procedure and provide full support before and after.
To help provide clear images, a small amount of carbon dioxide gas is infused into the bowel during a colonoscopy.
As a result, you may experience some wind and discomfort after a colonoscopy but this should pass within a few hours.
As with any medical procedure, there are some risks. You may notice some bleeding after a colonoscopy, especially if you have had any polyps removed.
It is possible to develop an infection or have some damage to the bowel, however this is rare.
Our doctors will be able to give you initial results from your colonoscopy on the same day, including if any polyps have been removed.
Any samples from biopsies will be sent to a lab for further testing with results available in three to four days.
We will arrange an appointment with you to discuss the results and any further treatment that may be recommended.