Jaundice is a condition that causes yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes, usually caused by liver problems. At the London Liver Group, we offer fast access to appointments and tests and scans to diagnose the underlying cause of any liver-related problems.
What is jaundice?
Jaundice is a condition where your skin or the whites of your eyes become yellow. Jaundice is caused by high levels of bilirubin, a product that forms after the breakdown of red blood cells.
Your liver helps to get rid of bilirubin once it is formed. If you have a liver problem, bilirubin can build up as it cannot leave your body. Jaundice can indicate a problem with your liver or other digestive organs, such as gallstones, pancreatitis or hepatitis.
At the London Liver Group we offer the latest tests to diagnose and treat liver diseases, including jaundice. Our world-leading specialists are experts in hepatology and digestive diseases.
Jaundice can be caused by different conditions that affect the breakdown of bilirubin.
The cause of jaundice can occur at three different stages: before the liver, in the liver or after the liver. The specific cause will determine the treatment you get.
The causes of pre-hepatic jaundice (before the liver) include:
• Certain medications, such as epilepsy treatment
• Haemolytic anaemia (a disorder of red blood cells)
• Autoimmune disorders
The causes of intra-hepatic jaundice (in the liver) include:
• Viral infections
• Medications
• Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
• Cancer of the gallbladder or bile ducts
• Autoimmune disorders
The causes of post-hepatic jaundice (after the liver) include:
• Pancreatitis
• Gallstones
• Parasitic infections
• Pancreatic cancer
Our liver specialists can run tests and scans using the latest equipment and technology to investigate the cause of jaundice.
The symptoms of jaundice include:
• Yellowing skin
• Yellowing of the whites of your eyes
• Itchy skin
• Dark urine
• Pale stools
• Feeling sick or being sick
If you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. You will need urgent medical treatment to treat jaundice as soon as possible.
Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, including if you are taking any medications and whether you drink alcohol.
They will then physically examine you and run some blood tests or scans to investigate the cause of jaundice. These tests include liver and kidney blood tests. Ultrasound and CT scans can be useful in showing gallstones, damage to bile ducts or any lesions or tumours on the liver.
Once your doctor has investigated your symptoms, they will be able to form a diagnosis based on your test results. Our multidisciplinary team at London Liver Group will support you from your first consultation and advise you about treatment options.
The treatment of jaundice will depend on the cause. For example, if you have jaundice due to gallstones, your doctor may arrange for medication or surgical treatment.
If your jaundice has been caused by a side effect of a medication, you may be advised to stop this. Your doctor may prescribe an alternative treatment option for you if required.
If you have been diagnosed with liver cancer, our liver oncologists will discuss with you the options for treatment and care.