Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Diagnostic procedure to see inside the rectum and sigmoid colon. Our specialists offer a full range of tests and scans to diagnose or monitor conditions related to your digestive health.
Treatment overview
A sigmoidoscopy is a diagnostic test where doctors use a thin, flexible tube called a sigmoidoscope or colonoscope to see inside the rectum and the lower part of the large intestine, called the sigmoid colon.
The procedure usually takes less than half an hour. Anaesthetic is not usually required, but at the London Liver Group you can have sigmoidoscopy under sedation if you prefer.
Sigmoidoscopy may be recommended if you have gastrointestinal symptoms. This can include bleeding from the back passage or blood in the stools, a change in stool habit, or pain or cramping.
These symptoms can be caused by many different conditions and do not necessarily indicate cancer. However it is important to identify the cause so that appropriate treatment can be given as early as possible. It is common to have small growths in the bowel, called polyps, especially after the age of 50.
Polyps are usually harmful but can become cancerous over time. Any polyps found during a sigmoidoscopy can be removed and tested to confirm whether any further treatment is required.
You will need to clear your bowels prior to a sigmoidoscopy. This normally involves taking an enema the day before and avoiding solid foods on the day of your appointment. Our team will give you advice about what you need to do and offer you all the support you need.
This can be uncomfortable but is not usually painful. Anaesthetic is not normally required, however, at the London Liver Group you can have a sigmoidoscopy under sedation if you prefer.
A camera at the end of the sigmoidoscope allows to see pictures of the inside of your bowel on a screen. A small amount of gas is inserted into the bowel during the procedure to help provide a clearer picture.
Small tools are used to take any samples (biopsies) for further testing and remove any polyps (small growths). They are usually harmless but can become cancerous over time, so any found are usually removed.
After a sigmoidoscopy you may experience some cramping and wind. This should pass within a few hours. Otherwise you should be able to resume your normal activities as soon as you feel comfortable.
If you have had sedation, you will need to be accompanied for 24 hours after the sigmoidoscopy and should avoid driving during this time.
Our doctors will usually discuss the initial results of your sigmoidoscopy with you straight away, or if you have had sedation, after you have had an hour or so to recover.
Any biopsies taken will be sent to a laboratory for testing, which takes around three to four days.
Our team will then arrange a follow-up appointment to discuss with you the results and if any further treatment is recommended.
Sigmoidoscopy is a widely-used diagnostic procedure that is safe and convenient.
At the London Liver Group, our experienced team of experts will make sure you are as comfortable as possible before, during and after your visit.
You may experience some discomfort and possibly some bleeding after a sigmoidoscopy, but generally recovery is rapid.
It is possible for the bowel to be damaged during sigmoidoscopy or for an infection to develop, although this is very rare.