Endoscopic spinal surgery

Endoscopic Spinal Surgery, similar to arthroscopy or laparoscopy, is a highly minimally invasive surgical approach used to treat spinal conditions. Our skilled surgeons utilise specialised endoscopic instruments with high-definition cameras and LED illumination, enabling precise visualizations and access to the spine. This advanced technique offers targeted interventions and optimal patient outcomes.


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Quick facts


Minimally Invasive Procedure

Smaller incisions, reduced trauma to surrounding tissues, shorter surgery time and faster recovery


Precise Diagnosis

The precise nature of the procedure leads to improved outcomes and increased patient satisfaction


Reduced Risks and Faster Recovery

No general anaesthesia, day case, minimised postoperative discomfort, and faster recovery compared to traditional surgery

Treatment overview

Endoscopic Spinal Surgery is an innovative and minimally invasive technique for treating various spinal conditions, primarily slipped discs and spinal stenosis. With the use of endoscopic instruments, our skilled surgeons can precisely visualise and access the spine, resulting in targeted interventions and improved patient outcomes.

Key Benefits of Endoscopic Spinal Surgery:

Minimally Invasive Approach: Endoscopic spinal surgery utilises minimally invasive techniques, which means smaller incisions, reduced trauma to surrounding tissues, and faster recovery times compared to traditional spine surgery. This approach offers patients the advantages of less scarring, reduced postoperative pain, and quicker return to daily activities.

Precise Visualisation and Intervention: With spinal endoscopy, our surgeons can visualise the epidural space and spinal structures with exceptional clarity and precision. The endoscope provides high-definition images, enabling accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment of conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and nerve compressions. This precision leads to better outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.

Reduced Risks and Faster Recovery: The minimally invasive nature of endoscopic spinal surgery results in reduced surgical risks and complications. Endoscopic disc surgeries are typically carried out under sedation only (no general anaesthesia is required) and as a day case. Postoperative discomfort is minimised, and recovery is faster compared to traditional surgery. This approach aims to optimise patient outcomes while enhancing overall well-being.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Endoscopic surgery is suitable for patients with specific spinal conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and epidural fibrosis. However, the suitability of the procedure depends on individual factors. Our experienced surgeons will evaluate your condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

The recovery time varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and individual factors. In general, patients can expect a shorter recovery period compared to traditional surgery. Our medical team will provide you with personalised postoperative instructions and support to facilitate your recovery.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with endoscopic spinal surgery, such as infection, bleeding, and nerve injury. However, the rate of complications is generally lower compared with traditional surgery, about half for perioperative complications and 16-fold decrease for wound-infections. Our surgeons take meticulous care and employ advanced techniques to minimise risks and ensure patient safety.

Physical therapy is recommended after an endoscopic spinal surgery to aid in the recovery process. However, it should not start immediately after a disc surgery. It helps restore strength, flexibility, and functionality to the spine. Our multidisciplinary team will develop a customised rehabilitation plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

The duration of an endoscopic disc surgery is on average 45 minutes, an endoscopic decompression or fusion surgery will take 1-2 hours. 


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